4 Pro Tips for Getting that Bridal Glow

Every bride wants a beautiful, luminous glow on her wedding day. But all sun-kissed bridal looks are

4 Pro Tips for Getting that Bridal Glow

Every bride wants a beautiful, luminous glow on her wedding day. But all sun-kissed bridal looks are not created equal.

Facial fix

A facial will improve your skin's condition and give it a great glow. But never have a facial the week of your wedding. Skin needs time to recover after impurities have been drawn to the skin's surface. Instead, start your bridal facial regime several months earlier and work up to your big day.

Self-tanner trouble

Never test out a self-tanner the night before your wedding. The product could streak. It might not deliver the degree of color you want. Then there's that funny smell that so many self-tanners leave behind on the skin.

Instead, use a bronzing powder. Apply it lightly to any place the sun would naturally hit such as cheekbones, the jaw line and forehead.

Toss old self-tanners

You may have a self-tanning product that you love and trust. Even so, never use the remnants from last year's tube. The color could have turned, especially if the product has been exposed to air. Always invest a fresh supply for your wedding day.

Foundation fix

Even if you have a flawless complexion a sheer foundation can enhance your glow. Choose a color that is an exact match to your skin. Also, to avoid foundation melting off during an outdoor ceremony apply foundation with a sponge. Blot with a tissue to remove any excess.