How Involved or Uninvolved Should Future Bridesmaids Be in Your Engagement?

  These bridesmaids are radiant in Alfred Sung. How involved should your future bridesmaids

How involved should your future bridesmaids be in your engagement? Not much really. While it may vary among each couple, bridesmaids don't usually take on any duties until they begin picking dresses, planning the bridal shower and bachelorette party.

For the engagement party, the bridesmaids at times not even chosen yet, this all depends however, on when you have your engagement party. But the engagement party is usually a party thrown by the families of the bride and groom.

Future bridesmaids will take on planning of the bridal shower. If the mother of the bride isn't planning or paying for it, it can be the maid of honor's duty. Bridesmaids are at times responsible for various duties within the bridal shower.

The wedding rings are usually picked and designed by the future bride and groom. The bride and groom can ask for opinions if they so choose, but it usually not the norm.

What is expected of the bridesmaids during all of this planning? They will be expected to attend all functions - engagement party, dress shopping, bachelorette party, bridal shower and of course the wedding. Expect to bring a gift to each of these events.

Bridesmaids should always volunteer when they can and where they can. If it looks like the bride needs any help planning anything from the beginning with her engagement party, don't be afraid to start being a trooper in the wedding planning hoopla! She will need any and all support she can get during this wonderful time in her life.